Day 5-Daily Advent Countdown-In His Word 12-5-2023


Day 5-Daily Advent Countdown-In His Word  12-5-2023

The Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy and thought the need to remind him not to be afraid in 1 Tim. He was also reminded to ‘stir up the gift of God that was in him’ , 2 Timothy 1:6, and to use them for God’s glory. He had also encouraged him not to neglect that gift, in 2 Timothy 4:16.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Sometimes when God gives us gifts, we are afraid to use them for a few reasons.

1-     We think we are not good enough to use them. Such gifts as praying for someone for healing, discernment of spirits, or a word of knowledge can be intimidating to walk in.

2-     We do not realize the gift is one that God has placed in our lives for a purpose and its okay to use them. If God is for us no one, no thing, can stand against us.

3-     We do not understand the power of the Holy Spirit is working in us to do the works that God has gifted us to do.

4-     Sometimes other people tell us we should not use the gift He has given us, and because of this we doubt that we can.


Today I want you to remember the gift that God has given you or find out just what it is by first praying and reading the Word of God and what it says about His gifts for you, then speak with your pastor or spiritual leader to see what they say. Some people will take a ‘spiritual gifts test’ that will highlight areas you are enhanced in by God. Know that yes God has given you a gift,  the Holy Spirit at the time of your salvation acceptance and He is there to help you discern just what the rest of it is all about! In Jesus’ name