Day 30 Advent count down and beyond! In His Word 12-30-2023
Sometimes it seems like praying is hard. Yes I said it. Sometimes
we do not know what to pray, or it seems like it takes so much time, or that we
need to be with other people to pray. Jesus trusted His disciples to pray while
He prayed a personal prayer Himself. It was a deep prayer that could have
effected all of us, and it did!
Prayer is important at best, even if it’s a small prayer. It
is, after all, communicating with the Creator of all things! I do not think we
should take it lightly, but I do know that God will honor a prayer that even
says “Lord’ Help me!” and will respond to it as much as a prayer that says “Thank
you Lord for provisions and assistance in my job, my home, my life in Jesus’
name”. God listens to all of our prayers. He hears the cries of our heart and in
the scripture below we know that He knows what it is like calling out in desperation.
He wanted to save us, and knew that the cross was before Him, yet He asked the
Father if there was another way to bring us salvation. That alone is reason to
pray and thank Him today.
Then he returned to the disciples and found them asleep. He
said to Peter, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give
in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” Then Jesus left them a second time and prayed,
“My Father! If this cup cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will be
done.” Matthew 26:40-42
Plan to pray in the new month ahead! Start now! Thank the
Lord Jesus for saving you, for bringing you entrance into Heaven when you die
and for removing the sting of death as well! Thank Him for His sacrifice for
you. It is a small thing on your part to thank Him for something so big, in
Jesus’ name.