Just a Quick Thought... In His Word 12-28-2020


Just a Quick thought…In His Word -December 28,2020

1 Tim 4 and part of 5 ...tells us to trust and obey... complete the work do the ministry ...dont stop doing what God gave you to do.. don't let the world get you down... Mark 4:18-20 tells us to not get caught up with the troubles and worries of the world we live in. Psalm 34 brings us encouragement! It reminds us to worship the Lord in all that we do and to share His Word with those around us while we praise and worship Him.



I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:1-4


In these few verses I can find three old time choruses from when I first began going to church back in the 80’s. I am certain they were older than that because there were a lot of wise elders in my church near Seattle, Washington. It was full of the high praises of God and the abundance of love and mercy that the congregation showered on us new believer was amazing!  God had brought me there through a friend of my sister who at the time had moved back to Canada with my mother. Her friend Diana had been my surrogate little sister for a time and had invited me to her brother’s baptismal at the last second. She had no idea I had only recently started praying and asked God to show me how to get baptized through her! You see, I had had a dream where I saw Jesus and John standing in the water and I walked out to them, then I woke up and sought the Lord! That is why I was so excited when I went to the service, it was at a lake! I was amazed at the things the people said before being baptized, and I was magnetically drawn to the chance to do the same! I knew it was what I was supposed to do but I could not get up off the grass where I was sitting until everyone who had planned to get baptized that day from their church had gone. I felt as if someone was holding me at the ankles and would not let me up until the pastors were walking toward the shore.  Then suddenly I was able to stand! I told my friends brother who told the pastors and suddenly I was walking into the water! I had to tell them briefly why I wanted to be baptized and then I was!

I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from my fears! I had been afraid since s was 11, when my best friend at the time was shocked when I said I was not baptized. Her words “you mean your not baptized?!” Haunted me for nearly 10 years before I finally was freed from all that! I was invited to church from there and felt ‘at home’ in a church building for the very first time.


Sometimes it may seem that God is not answering our cries but if we trust Him, it will come when He is ready and when He has made us ready!

When we accept that He is Lord, and invite Jesus into our hearts and lives, we give Him the obedience and He gives us the Holy Spirit to be our guide. That is how we discern what is of God and what is not. Who to follow, as Paul suggested for people to do in Corinth, to follow Him as He followed Christ, we need to follow people who will teach us and lead us to Christ’s plan for us, not man’s?

Seek the Lord and by that, I mean, get on your knees physically, or spiritually, bow down to Him as Lord, and ask for His blessings, His guidance, His healing… whatever it is, but according to His will ask these things! That means that if things do not happen tomorrow, it was not His will for that to happen then, it may take a few years. You may have to travel a great distance, or walk down a lonely road for a while, but God has a plan for you. He has an answer to your cry, He will hear you and deliver you from your fears, then you can look for the results of that fearless life! Share your story! You have no idea who it will bless! We never know what the lack of fear in our lives will do, so start with that, ask God to remove the fear of sharing with someone about Him and His work in your life!

As you walk into 2021, the new year before us, ask God to remove all fear of what is coming, for we do not know the plans, but God does! He knows where He will lead us, we must just follow and walk through what He puts before us… In Jesus’ name!

Heavenly Father, help us to walk according to Your directions in 2021, help us to keep our hearts, our eyes, and our ears on You, that we may go where you lead us and trust and obey Your Word, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Read some more? Read the full Psalm 34, 1 Timothy 4, and 1 Timothy 5.