~ In His Word
October 12/13, 2019*
Some days it
seems we can have a great start with the Lord, focus our day on Him and not
waver, we pray, we worship aloud to God our king; then the enemy comes and
throws everything at us that he thinks will bother us.
Then it doesn’t
even cause us to waver. While other times it knocks us on our hind like no bodies
Why is this? Well
if we check our heart and mind we will find that the focusing on Him is where
the peace comes from. That is where the strength strong resolve comes from and
where the strength comes from that helps us to stand up to the wiles o the
devil and win!
We are victorious
when and only when we make God our priority.
Well we may think
we are winners but we won’t be until Jesus is forefront in our lives.
He will keep in
perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3
When we live this
verse and a few others and we focus our thoughts on God then anything cane come
at us and we will stand strong, not wavering and trusting God to help in our
ever present need. I
When we keep our
eyes on the prize, and do not allow the enemy to enter in to our thoughts, but
take them all captive, every one of them; then we will walk in His presence,
then our mind will be stayed on Him.
Heavenly Father,
help us to stay focused on You, no fretting, no worry just focused and walking
in Your presence in our hearts and minds each day.
Give us a scripture to focus on today, In Jesus’ name, amen.
M. Wilson
*On the road, combining days