Dailies~ in
His Word
October 25, 2019
Since we were ‘saved’ or ‘cleansed’ from our sins, the day we first
believed in Christ Jesus as God’s son and our Savior whom man hung on the cross
to redeem us from our sin; we should walk in His love.
1 Peter 1:22-25
What that means is that though we may grow old, physically, our
spirit will live on forever with/in Christ, just as the Word of the Lord does.
know the scripture that says our old man will pass away? That we are to put
away the old man and put on the new man. Though our outward man perishes our
inner self or spirit is strong as we walk according to His will, and His Word.
have I confused you yet? What I am trying to say to say is to read the Word of
God and do what it says. Be obedient and love one another as a brother or
sister; treat one another right in God’s eyes not just man’s. That means that we need to think of each
other before ourselves, and do unto others as we want them to do to us because
God’s word says so!
know it’s not always easy to do it, but the Bible tells us to do these things and,
in this context, we can see that it means us as well as the original readers. Sometimes
it is a history lesson, other times it speaks of the future but most of the
time the Word of God, our Bibles, refer to how we should live.
Father, help us to do your Word, to live it, to love it and to be the people
You want us to be, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Teresa M. Wilson