In His Word, & Dailies In His Word 7-22-19

Dailies – In His Word 7-22-19

For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

God is so cool!  To awaken with the song “You Make Me Brave” in your mind; and feel the pain of an over active day full of exciting adventures, which translates  to leg and foot cramps that awaken you in the first place… And you open your Bible App to find
2 Timothy 1:7 staring you in the face; you know your God is so cool!
He set me up to see it as I struggled to stretch, stand and walk it off, as my dad would have said. I really had just cried out to God to help me, to fix it, and then opened up the app!

I think we forget when we over do things that He is a God of mercy.
We forget that when we step in the mud He is a God of cleansing.
When we come up short He is the God of provision. Our God is an awesome God and no matter what we are going through… no matter what time of the night we wake up singing out in song or crying out in pain He is there.  I think that many times we forget that He is not just our strength to endure the long walks up steep hills but He is the one who will hold our hand when we wake from a bad dream and the one who will encourage us when we think we cannot go on.
I thank my God with every remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3

I thank Him for every word in His Word that He will minister to me, as well as those who read it! Thank you for being a reader that I would have the strength to open the computer and write it out tonight! Thank God for waking me up in the night
My goal is not to stress but to be blessed and today as I spent a good time with friends and fellow laborers in the Lord I have been blessed so I can say that I will not allow fear to invade the day but instead I will allow God to heal me, to comfort me and to encourage me as He sees fit!  I pray for mercy and grace comes too!

Heavenly Father thank you for being here with me in the wee hours of the night when pain slips in and fears cry out to You who quiets the fears, I trust that You will heal me and relax the muscles that tomorrow I will rise up to serve your people again, in Jesus” name amen
Teresa M. Wilson