Dailies- in His
July 19, 2019
When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, “Hear and understand: not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes
out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
Matthew 15:10-11
Everything that God puts in us spiritually is in our hearts
and minds, but the most important of this is what is in our hearts. Our heart
fills up and spills over with joy, peace, hope, and love but it can also spill with
sorrow, longing, and deprivation. It is
important that we fill our heart with the right things, so they spill out the right things.
A while back our pastor’s wife spoke on filling our Buckets;
she pretty much meant our heart and soul and mind. When we are full up on the
Word of God, and the presence of God feels near we will spill His presence out
on others. That may sound weird or far fetches but think of this for a moment.
You go to a sporting event, you get all excited because your team won and you
celebrate so everyone knows what your team did! You are shouting and jumping up
and down, there are bands and parades all for a championship team. The excitement is overflowing!
Now, think about that in a spiritual aspect; You spend time
in prayer and worship with song and praise, you listen to great speakers preach
the word of God to you and you feel, sense and accept the Word as truth. You
feel lie you can be the team that wins the world to Christ! You want to jump up and down and shout for
Jesus too!
When you go into a store, you may not mind waiting in line ‘cause
you can talk about Jesus, you hear the songs still in memory so you start
singing out God’s praises. You may not notice but someone an isle away from you
hears that and finds hope, someone else remembers their own church service
message and pays for the person in line who is struggling to get the money to
pay for their groceries… its contagious!
So you share what a great God you have and people around you start to
smile and His presence overflows from you to them! The excitement of Jesus is
more incredible than a team that won, because when His presence overflows lives
are changed, hope is renewed and good things happen. If we were to be grumpy because the line was
slow, that discontentment would do the same thing. It would cause strife and disappointment to
over flow. Then you are feeding the
enemy, I would rather feed people God’s Word and His Presence! Let’s follow His directions and His advice and
Heavenly Father, draw us nearer to You that we may put more
of the Word in and overflow with your goodness that our buckets may pour out on
those around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Teresa M.