Dailies- In His Word March 2019

Dailies ~in His Word
March 2019
So He said, “Come”. And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to o to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying “Lord save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him. And said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  And when they got into the boat the wind ceased. Matthew 14:29
This is so like many of us! We ask God to use us, to prove to us it’s Him. HE calls us, and then we walk out in faith thinking “Yeah! This is great God’s called me!” Then when things start to get rough we freak out and cry out for help! We knew God called us to do the thing, but we get a bit scared or not trusting of our own ideas at this point. Was it really God, how is it possible that God could let me do this thing? While it is calm we are all excited and unafraid, we are brave enough to step out in faith! Sure we have this!
But the stormy choppy sea, it scares us! It distracts us from our purpose and we start to fail.
The good news? God is waiting right there to grab our hand if our faith is weak. Just as Jesus did for Peter, He is ready to do for you and me when our project or sermon, or maybe a event starts seeming to be more than we think we can handle. The thing is we do not have to think we can handle we need to trust God to get it done with us! It is not about me, or you! God will bring it to pass.
Trust Him ( Psalm 37) delight in Him, and He will bring it to pass!
He’s got this!
Heavenly Father, thank you for helping me to trust You, to follow Your example and directions and to have faith that You will bring it to pass just as You planned, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Teresa M. Wilson