walking in the garden my husband showed me that the stone in our
garden that has the word “Hope” engraved on it along with a star
was the only one of three left.
stands there all alone now, but in the past year it had two friends
stolen away from either side of it. Strangely enough it was “Faith”
and “Love” that were stolen from our yard.
wondering why the person did not steal our Hope my husband found that
it is planted firmly rooted against the tree with what seems to be
some sort of growth.
guest it its now grafted to the spot where we stuck it it is connected and rooted to the tree!
you know me at all you know that I could not leave this one
have hope in my yard, but more important I have hope that is
grounded, stuck and immovable in my Lord to fulfill all of His
We too are grafted into the vine through Jesus Christ, He is the growth that keeps our hearts pumping the Joy flowing and the contentment peaceful.
think its funny, that they were able to steal our faith and love
physically from our yard. I am glad that no one can take away the
Love of Jesus from me.
my faith in Him is what makes life worth forging forth through all
the storms and trials. But if things were going crazy around me in my
life and I felt like everything, or everyone was going away I would
like to think I would still have hope in God.
my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever
and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy
Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the
power of God. Yet when I am among mature believers, I do speak with
words of wisdom, but not the kind of wisdom that belongs to this
world or to the rulers of this world, who are soon forgotten. 1
Corinthians 2:4-6
that just like people in this world to try to take away your faith
and your love? But they cannot rob me of my hope, or faith in God.
we are rooted and grounded in Him; He will not leave us nor forsake
us. Just like a plant that roots itself, the winds can come and it
may bend a bit but it will not blow away.
plant that is not yet rooted is in danger of drying up in the heat
much more than one with a good root system.

Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your
roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.
while talking to some children I was allowed to share that Christ
gives us the hope that we will some day go to heaven. The simple
things can sometimes bring about a huge change in someones life.
days we stop where we are and feel like giving up on everything. We
cry, to ourselves and to God for help but that help seems so far
away. What can we do to find hope in God again?
of all: put on some worship music that speaks to your heart, or
speaks your heart, and secondly read His Word. Seek Him for the
answer in the Word he had written specifically for this purpose.

gives us the hope that God will heal us when we pray and ask, and
believe; or when a few close friends trust that God will bring us to
our healing moment.
to get that grounded rooted hope that God will do what He promises I
need to get into His Word! Stop making excuses to ourselves and start
reading His Word and we will find the hope we need, the faith to
trust Him and the love of God.
heavenly Father, though this is short bless the words today to speak
my heart. Thank you for rooting us in Your love, faith and Hope.
Jesus name, amen.
Reading 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Ephesians 3:1-31, Romans 15:1-26.