Come walk through the garden with me. We'll see blossoms and bumble bees, a few cactus and blossoms on trees, come walk through the garden with me.
Stairs to the garden path...
There are poppies literally popping up everywhere you look . |
A little bit of rain and everything bloomed with the long awaited sunshine. Roses and Lavender and Daisies all together with a lot of flowers I do not remember the name of.
I just love the beautiful garden that my husband works hard to keep up, he brings home small broken down plants and turns them into beauty. I think God does the same thing; He takes us just as we are, sometimes wilted sometimes dried out and tired; and He makes us beautiful. He sends bees to pollinate us and rain to help us grow then He shines the Son's warmth and glory on us and we are beautiful.
Some people's yards are full of grass, some are full of weeds, whatever your garden is full of ask the Lord to bless it and all your needs. When I water the garden in the summer I pray that each plant will flourish. They, like people, do not always flourish as we would like but often do their own thing. Some take over and some lay dormant waiting for just the right week to flower.
Some of us seem that way too, we wait and wait for God to make us ready and then just when its "such a time as this" we shoot out a flower and bloom.