Is it permitted?
The Word of God tells us how to live lives that follow
Jesus’ teaching throughout the New Testament. It constantly refers to the Old
Testament as well, so we read the full Bible to get the whole picture, the rest
of the story.
The Beginning of the existence of man is not the beginning
of everything. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word
was with God. It only makes sence to look to Him for the direction of were to
proceed next!
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with
God, and the Word was God. He existed in
the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was
created except through him. The Word
gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to
everyone. John 1:1-4
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The
earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the
Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let
there be light,” and there was light.
And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from
the darkness. God called the light “day”
and the darkness “night.” And evening passed and morning came, marking the
first day. Genesis 1:1-5
Okay so knowing that God was there first, and created all
things should have been enough to a teacher of the “Law and the Prophets” but
for some reason they doubted. They did not realize that Jesus was answered
prophecy, and God Himself. Some people still do not! You would think the whole
world would believe already with all the history between then and now and the
miracles we see everyday … but maybe not?
One Sabbath day Jesus went to eat dinner in the home of a
leader of the Pharisees, and the people were watching him closely. 2 There was
a man there whose arms and legs were swollen. 3 Jesus asked the Pharisees and
experts in religious law, “Is it permitted in the law to heal people on the
Sabbath day, or not?” 4 When they refused to answer, Jesus touched the sick man
and healed him and sent him away. 5 Then he turned to them and said, “Which of
you doesn’t work on the Sabbath? If your son[b] or your cow falls into a pit,
don’t you rush to get him out?” 6 Again they could not answer. Luke 14:1-6
My question today’ is it permitted’ is pointed to God.
Nothing is not permitted for God to do. That is plain and simple truth. If you
create a thing it is up to you to say what to do with it. Even if you create it
for sale, you are the one who sells it.
So I often wonder, why did they not see?
Even Paul had to have his ‘Damascus Encounter’ to get a clue
and he was trained in the Word, back then the scriptures were on scrolls but it
was the same Old Testament pretty much. Probably even more detailed than the
ones we translate today as it was in original languages. Paul knew this!
Still it took God, via Jesus blinding Him with His light
physically that Paul would see Spiritually who Jesus really was. The Pharasees were blinded in their own way
to the truth. Jesus being the Way, the Truth and the Light of the World, knew
very well what was permitted to do. He was God, anything was permitted to Him!
Still He asks them the question. They did not answer His
question though, they could not tell God not to heal a man on the Sabbath. Why
would they even get that idea?
Pride in thinking they were the ones who knew the truth, who
could explain the verses in the Psalms and Proverbs, who knew the story of
Jacob and his well. Yes, they though they were the wisest men in charge of
God’s Word. Only they probably called him Jehovah, or one of God’s other names.
But wait! Jehovah Jireh is the God who heals me!
Think on that for a moment…
Have you sat there wide-eyed? Did you wonder how, if they
knew did they not know?
Its about God giving us permission to know the truth by our
eyes being open to it, our ears being open to hear His voice when it speaks to
our hearts and minds and gives us knowledge of such things.
It was permitted. Jesus healed.
Recently I was praying for a miracle for someone, and
knowing in my life I have ‘used up’ a few miracles I asked God if I could even
ask for another one. I had to have faith to believe that I could ask Him that!
He did it, answered that prayer and I am praying He will chose to answer some
other miracles I am praying for. We sometimes need to, well always need to put
faith over fear when we pray. We need to trust God to know what to do, what is
right, and to guide us in our daily walk. Sometimes that is in our daily reads,
where we continue on and read the rest of the Chapter of a memory verse
scripture. Sometimes He guides us to get on our knees and pray all night, or
for a few minutes until we feel peace in the answering of the need. Proverbs
It is permitted to ask for healing any day, and I have known
many who have been healed on the Sabbath, or Sunday even in church
services! I have known people healed, including
myself many times. So God can still do it! It is permissible so go pray! Read
the rest of the Chapters I quoted portions from, get the whole story then pray
as God leads today!
In His Word, and in
His love
Teresa Wilson