But....What if God has a different plan? In His Word 5-13-2024
Today as I was reading Matthew 6 and 7th chapters
I was thinking about the many things covered there. One part was talking about
all the things we pray about and how in the 6th it teaches us to
pray, to seek the Kingdom of God first and all of that. Sometimes when I pray I
think I know what to pray but then later I wonder if I prayed correctly. So, I
go back and pray again. I know that these P. U. S. H. prayers achieve goals but
sometimes I think we just get clogged up in our prayers. We need to have peace.
We need to believe that the Lord will do what He needs to do, and He will
direct us in the path that we should walk in. We need to trust Him!
How do we get this peace? How can we know that we are
trusting God to do what needs to be done? We stop worrying. Sometimes it helps
to use an object lesson. At camps and retreats we have tossed the thing in the
fire that we are needing to change; then we can remind ourselves that we have
given it to Jesus.
Reading the Bible is the best way to build up that trust,
and other people’s testimonies of faith. That is one reason I write! To share
what God has done.
I have written about my miracle beyond blue baby boy who was
perfect in every way after many tests!
There was nothing wrong, I knew he was okay because of the scripture that
said, “He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.” Isaiah 26:3 I can testify that you can find
this peace too! I was given a song from
my 3 year old attending a Bible Day Camp while I was pregnant with him. She
came home with a song talking of God taking care of us and not to be afraid
because God was with us every day. The theme was faith, trusting in God, moving
That baby is a full grown perfectly healthy young man now!
God kept the peace when they did the code blue and took him away to run tests
and all that stuff. I had peace that was unbelievable! That song was my broken record during labor.
You can find that peace over what you are praying for.
People had prayed for my son to be healthy prior to his
birth. They prayed for healthy lungs and a strong heart. When he was born he
barely had a heartbeat, no brain waves, no breath. But God!
That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday
life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t
life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest
or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far
more valuable to him than they are? Can
all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your
clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or
make their clothing, yet Solomon in all
his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for
wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will
certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
“So, don’t worry
about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we
wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly
Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and
live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is
enough for today. Matthew 6:25-34
I have a lot more true stories in my life where keeping my
mind on Him saved me! From a rolling pick up truck, to a torn rotator cuff being
miraculously healed.
That last one is one such case where God had a different
plan than me!
I thought I would get healed and not have to have surgery.
My friend had asked a group we were in to pray for me on the
spot. I felt the healing, it was like someone glue gunned me in the shape of
the tear they had shown me on the MRI. But I did not know it for sure until I
woke up from surgery and my hubby said the doctor could not find the tear. But
he did find some bone that was a fragment from being hit as a pedestrian many
years prior to this! It had been causing other issued, and the spot it came off
of was sanded down, sort of, and no longer is an issue, the muscles where the
tear was, or the rotator cuff, was mended by God!
He had me go through that surgery to get the stray bone
removed and the shoulder made well! Not the way I thought it would be, but the
way He planned it!
Sometimes we think we know what we are doing. But God has a
different plan!
Recently I heard a testimony of a couple who were pastors,
but God moved them on to a different profession that is helping them reach more
people who are lost not knowing Jesus who never would have walked into a church
to find Him.
I found Jesus in my back yard, not in a church but if people had not been
open about beliefs around me I may never have known He was standing at the door
and knocking!
I understood their testimony because sometimes God does
things different than we thought that He would.
Today as you read through the chapters in Matthew, I want
you to pray and ask God to show you what you can do to follow His plan for you.
How you can see, or hear His instructions in how or what to do in His plan for your life instead
of just doing what you think you should
be doing!
Listen to those guest
speakers who you think you have heard before too! You never know when God will
tap you on the shoulder and say “hey (insert your name), did you hear that? Its
what I have been trying to tell you!”
Then remember, God may just have a different plan for your
life than you did, and that is okay!
Trust Him, in His Love….