31 Days of Prayer~ In His Word 1-12-2024


31 Days of Prayer~ In His Word -1-12-2024

Do you have a scripture to stand on? Do you have a ‘go to’ verse that encourages you when you are in a rough spot? I do! It just happens to be the one that I obeyed when my youngest was born beyond blue and I had perfect peace!

You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT

If we keep our mind on the Lord, and His Word then we will have peace that passes understanding, consistently! Prayer, Witnessing, fellowship, and the Word all with Christ in the middle is the obedient Christian in action. This is how we know peace.

Heavenly Father help us keep our eyes, ears and minds on You and Your Word that we may keep that perfect peace always, In Jesus name, amen.