Pondering- In His Word (late edition) 9-20-2023


Pondering In His Word (late edition) 9-20-2023

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up  You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel  and when I rest at home., You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say,  even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! Psalm 139 :1-7

As I was off doing what I call ‘galivanting around’ with my husband, we took the time to attend church at a random historic church in the town we were in. It was very different for me to attend it because I am used to the loud and exciting worship service that has a somewhat invisible agenda format. There is a specific order of things, but it is not handed out and we do not recite certain words as it says to. For the most part I would say it’s a more free style of worship.

This church was one that handed out a paper bulletin and had a certain time for us to say ‘amen’ or agree with the speaker, or to read scriptures in unison. Thought it seemed a bit regimented when it came down to the preacher preaching it was right on spot! God’s word will not come back void. I truly enjoyed the old hymns as well, though I was out of practice reading the words from all of the verses I found them thought provoking.

The Pastor shared his story of how God knew what he needed, back in his college days. It was awesome!

He was given a sweatshirt for a Christian Athletic club when he was not yet saved. Circumstances came up that caused him to be wandering worried about his academics and he ran into a person who read the shirt and invited him to come to their group meeting. Long story short the man got saved in one of their meetings! He is a pastor today so that should show you God changed his plan from being a professional athlete to a man who followed God’s plan for him.


He kept reminding me it was not about me! We were doing this trail to a special ship my husband always wanted to see and go on. We enjoyed it once we got to it, it was a dream come true for him. Me I whined a lot near the end, then once again remembered that I could do all things through Christ who gave me strength. So, I prayed “ Lord , give me that strength! I need your strength to do tis for my husband!”

He gave me a final  as we finished the trail! WOW!  It was very hard, we traveled more than the usual walk because we looked at the special lunch location and enjoyed some New England Clam Chowder in New England!  It was great too!

My reward? Not only did I gain the reminder that I could not get away from His presence but just as we were deciding not to walk to the bus or train station to get back to the place we were staying a Taxi drove up just by where we were! We had not seen many all day!  I believe God knew our thoughts and encouraged that man to drive up just when we needed it!

A small thing like that may seem inconsequential to you but it was a huge deal to me!  I was able to ride instead of walking on my very much tired legs! With several thoughts to ponder I thought of how great my God is to push me so far and know my limits just the same!

What do you think you cannot do today? What is God pushing you through so He can give you a blessing on the other end?

Think on these things!

In His love, and In His Word.

Teresa Wilson