Be still... in His Word 4-27-2020

…be still. In His Word 4-27-2020
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. John 10:10
You will have peace and more abundantly, this is what I hear today.  
God wants to give us peace if we believe He will do it!
Thinking this morning about peace, I was reading in the Word random turn  to a  page, as I was figuring what I wanted to read today and God gave me a scripture regarding Jesus and Peter walking on the water, it reminded me of the storm, when Jesus was asleep in the boat?  He knew what was going on, but as they woke him from his resting all frantic all he did was stand up and say Peace be still… the water calmed but I often wonder if he was speaking to the storm or to the people in the storm?
Sometimes we are in the storm and God calms it, and we thank Him and go on living. We forget after a while that God calmed the storm outside of us, and we decided to be calm because He fixed it; but that storm can come back on the outside, and if the inside is not dealt with the storm will get to us again.
Trouble comes at us all the time in today’s world. Whether it is in the form of a virus that shuts down nations, or a job that drops you because the just cannot afford to pay you anymore. We all get troubles from time to time. Storms rise and come to shore, do you get scared and run from it or battle it out spiritually?  Do you pass it on to God? God wants us to give Him the anxiety, the stress, the emotional trauma, the fears, all of it! They all make a storm inside of us. They bring pain, or just a knot in your stomach?
Grace and peace to you from the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come; from the sevenfold Spirit before his throne; and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, and the ruler of all the kings of the world. All glory to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. Revelation 1:3-5
Some storms are full of events, tornados, rain, hail, they can bring floods, broken trees, and more. Just because the tornado is gone does not mean the wreckage is cleared out.  It takes time to rebuild and we people need to realize that our lives will take time to rebuild too.

Peace can overtake us, but we must heal, and healing takes time.  Peace calms the storm it does not clean up the mess left behind. We need to continue in prayer to find the healing, the rebuilding of our lives will come. It comes from restructuring our lives to make them, or build them on the right foundation, with the right building materials to strengthen our lives. We need strength, hope and encouragement that will withstand any storms that come our way. God can do this!
He is the builder, the and His spirit is the lumber that holds us firm on the foundation and the cornerstone of course, He keeps us lined up! God can rebuild us! He can give structure to our lives that will bring a process of life that keeps us from being affected by the storms as they crash through.
If you have not started yet, begin today praying. Each morning, thank God for the day ahead and ask Him to direct you in what to do just for today! Then just do it!
Read a Psalm a day and be encouraged by His love!
Remember if you need help getting started “Good Morning, Lord” is my get into the habit of prayer and why book. There should be a link on my blog site, to the right of this! If not just go to Amazon or and put in my name. Be blessed as you allow prayer to form your foundation for God to build upon!
Heavenly Father help us to have faith and trust You as we pray each day giving you the fears and anxiety that come against us. In Jesus name, amen
Suggested reading; John 10:1-42, Psalm 7:1-17 and Mark 4:1-41