Dailies ~in His
July 12, 2019
Looking through my note book I found a few questions I find
are very important to ask ourselves.
What can I do to make eternal salvation be better looking
than the ‘fun’ of life now?
If you don’t know how exciting salvation is; then seek God
first, and ask His guidance. Then live
what you find!
If that does not help you to live life to the fullest then
ask yourself; why do I need Jesus’ Salvation?
What is the difference, or what do I do when I receive Christ in my
My own answer to these questions may be different from
yours. I need salvation from Christ alone because He is the one who put His own
life up for mine.
Once long ago I was so sorrowful over a friend who kept
trying to take their own life, at that time I was seeking to find God still and
was racing my car down a road thinking it would not matter if I died no one
would care…so and so should live instead! I mentally wrote a note to the person
saying such… and God said, “You don’t have to die for them, I already did.” I think that may have been the first time I
heard His voice. At any rate it was when I chose to listen to Him, and began
seeking to find the salvation He offered.
So where do we go from
here? Once we have salvation, what is obvious to me but may not be to you; I
have peace in horrible situations like when my son was born beyond blue. I have hope in the struggles of life; like
when cars brake down and people can’t help.
And I have love eternal, no matter how I react to the situations I have to
endure, God will always love me and never leave me! That all comes because of
the Salvation Christ gave us, and the belief that He is for real!
A wise heart shall acquire
knowledge: and the ear of the wise seeketh instruction.
Domain (Why are modern Bible translations copyrighted?)
Heavenly Father, thank you for Love, Peace, Hope, Joy and
Eternal life! Thank you for Your
Salvation becoming my salvation. In Jesus’
name amen.
Teresa M.