Love Him, love His plans? In His Word 5-13-19

In His Word -5-13-19
God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love — not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 1 John 4:9-11
For your ways are not my ways. His word tells us in Isaiah 55:8.
God had a plan, Adam and Eve messed with it. Then, throughout history people have messed with it. And yet, God knows what His plans are for us. When you think about this it makes you really appreciate that God is in control.

It is funny but sometimes we plan things out the way we think they should go but God changes things. It could be the dreams we have for our future spouse or our home, just how we want things to be; perfectly peaceful and wonderfully made.
The thing about us humans is we want things our way most of the time; but God has the end win. He knows what is best for each of us and what should really happen in our lives, our job is to follow His lead.

If you love your plan you want to go ahead with it but sometimes there are things that go further down the road that will be catastrophic that w just don’t see until we get there. Remember though God has the box top of our lifetime puzzle and He knows where the wrong pieces may fit but are wrong. Just because the pieces fit does not mean that the picture will match up. So let’s say we plan to buy a car, we think we want the blue car so we keep trying to get one; God finds us a green car. We are a bit disappointed but happy that its at least unique. Then we meet a new friend who has the exact same car color and style who turns out to be a kindred spirit in many other ways.  God knew all of that, and that the car would be the beginning of a new friendship!
Sure that’s a small example; some of you may have bigger an better ideas of how you want to do your life but God has an even better one, though it may be smaller and way different than what you thought. For instance, when I was 15 years old I would sit and have coffee time with my mom almost daily. One day I told her I never wanted to live anywhere that was more than two blocks away so I could come by for coffee all the time. 

Well, first I moved a state away, and then I moved three states away. We met for coffee via phone and then internet access but we still met for time together. It was not as often as I wanted, because life got in the way and now she is in heaven waiting and I wait for the day when I can have coffee with her in heaven! But God has other plans. I moved because there were people I needed to reach for Him, and I have seen women grow in their walk with Him to the point that some of them have gone around the world sharing the Gospel! I never would have known them nor been blessed with the chance to study the Word with them had I remained two blocks from my mother. I thank God for all of the children as well that I have had the opportunity in years past to share the love of God with and help them find Jesus to ask Him into their lives. 
Sometimes when we make plans and they change, or don’t work out the way we wanted God had a better one and we need to know that some time in the future we will see why. Or maybe we will never know why but we will just get to walk in the way that we should go, following after Him.

Heavenly Father, help us to follow you where you lead us and not question why, or what is going to happen next but just to follow what you would have us do. Help us be pliable and able to do Your will in our lives and trust that You know what You are doing with us! In Jesus’ name amen
Suggested reading: Isaiah 55:1-13, Colossians 2:1-23,  Philippians 3:1-21 and 1 John 4: 1-21.