Dailies ~ In
His Word
May 2019
Sometimes people get so afraid of the future that they
freeze themselves right where they are. No I don’t mean cryogenics, I mean
emotionally, mentally and often physically they cannot move due to fear. Life
is going on and they see where they want to go, but for whatever reason they
remain in a level of living that they do not move. Now sometimes that is due to
health issues, and that is one thing, or mental issues that need a doctor’s
care; but what about just fear? Just the fear of what if--?
We know the stuff; perfect love casts out all fear. So why
do we still stop in place and not move forward? For a lot of people it’s a matter of trust.
Trusting ourselves, trusting God, or trusting the people around us to do what
they say. The good news is that once we take that step of faith and move
forward we will be okay. Even if something happens, we will be okay if we trust
in Jesus. God will not fail us, we can only fail Him.
He is with us along the way and if we consent to His help
them we will make the fears be gone, He will remove fear because He loves us.
No payment required! He is faithful and just, He will never leave us no forsake us...
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels
nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other
created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
So if God is love, and perfect love at that, then He will
cast out all fear! He will never leave us, nothing can take us away from Him,
but we have to believe it, be persuaded!
Choose to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be
Heavenly Father, help us to not be afraid but allow you to
protect us and guide us and show us the way to go for safe travels in Jesus
Teresa M Wilson