Dailies 2019

Dailies In His Word
Day 8
Never let the people around you ruin your resolve to follow what God has given you to follow. We have all allowed someone to convince, or win us over in our lives. Oh sure sometimes its like getting us to have one piece of cake that we do not even like because they are having one and they don’t want to eat it alone. Whatever the reason we give in to the wrong choices and basically allow the enemy to prove we are fallible. The truth is we are only human, but the reality is we can over come the temptation to make the wrong choices if we fully rely on God to direct our path.
We are not alone. Moses allowed the people to influence his attitude and instead of merely speaking to the rock he hit it twice. God still brought forth the stream of water for the people but Moses blew his chance to go into the Promised Land.
(See Numbers 20:7-10)
If you give God the obedience He will give you the prize. Paul tells us to press on toward the prize, not to give up, not to allow defeat to pull us down but to hurdle it and get going forward!
I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.  No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it,  but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:11-14

Today let us decide not to listen to the masses, but to hear His voice speaking to us, no mater how small or still it may be. When we know God, He will speak to our hearts and minds and we will know it is His direction. Then we need to have tunnel hearing! Only hear what He says and ignore the masses, do as God says and we will receive the promise!

If you have resolved, or decided to fast and pray this first month of the year as many churches do, then stick with it! Do not give in, pray for the direction the guidance the strength to continue! Dig into the Word of God and gain strength in the wisdom of the ages. Together with Him; you’ve got this! Go for the win!

Dear Heavenly Father, give us the ears to hear your voice and the strength to stand up against all opposition as we put our trust in You to bring us through to the prize. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Teresa M. Wilson