Is it You? In His Word 16-18

Is it You? In His Word 10-16-18
Sometimes God sends us on a trip, or an outing, or even to a job and we go about our business not thinking if it’s of God or not; we just do it. Then other times we stop and take note because He steps up in front of us and shows us something we clearly do not understand in our humanness but then…He shows us we can overcome the mere human aspects if we just know, or believe that He is calling us and trust Him.

 Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.  And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.  But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Matthew 22-24
Jesus went off to pray and send his leadership team off on a job; to go before Him to th other side of the sea. They were on a watch so we know they were most likely fishing; doing their job that paid their way. At the same time they were doing what God told them to do.
“Do the thing, and then meet me over there…”
How many times has God given people something to do then they had to go and do it seemingly with out Him present and yet He shows up?
Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear.
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer!It is I; do not be afraid.”
 And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”
Matthew 14:25-28
We say, okay God and we go! Then what happens confuses us then amazes us. We generally can run into a huge pile of mess that we did not expect and then God shows us how to get out of it.
Recently I went too see my son at his Family Weekend at College. I made the reservations at the University’s Hotel, thought I chose my room so 2-4 people could fit there and planned for a sunny weekend!  We thought there could be a little shower of rain so we brought clothing that would be acceptable for layers. 
I planned to have a second or third driver so that if I was tired I could have a back up driver. Though I really just needed someone to sit in the car with me so I did not feel alone on my drive. 
My co-pilot, as I called the other person had an injury and was unable to drive but could ride along just the same.  It was nice to have people in the car, so even though I drove there the whole way I was okay.
Due to the injury the ride took longer than planned and yet God kept me alert as I had prayed prior to the trip. The road was clear and dry and it was beautiful all day!                  
Then, I let my guard down as we got to the hotel. Apparently I had clicked a smaller room. They wanted to charge us more to bring in an extra bed, but I was worried it would not be enough, there were three of us then. But, I had prayed prior t the trip that all would go according to His plan; I had to trust that it was God and asked Him to work it out His way. I took the airbed they provided and they never had me sign to pay for it. They had run out of roll away beds. I slept so well, better than I would have in a larger be possibly! 
So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw [e]that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 29-20
I awoke thinking how nice it would be. I rested well, the sun was shining. Even the coffee was already set up an hour earlier than they normally had it in the past. I sat and read my Bible and enjoyed the time I had in solitude with my God.  The weather app said 40 % chance of rain, I was okay with that, we could have a quick indoor time and then go out door or visa versa it would be fun still! But then, the sun left and clouds came in… 70 %, then 90 % jumped up on my phone! It was now a torrential down pour with flash flood warnings!
I admit it, just like Peter, I stressed out! How would we have fun and enjoy the visit with my son if it was this crazy weather? How could this event even happen? Would they be able to still drive us around on campus?
I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that our steps were ordered of the Lord, I prayed and accepted it would be what it would be.
The rain let up, we drove over to campus hoping to catch a golf cart shuttle to the parent area after parking… but my friend could not walk if it did not come, they suggested dropping her off at the end of a walk and I could not do that it was too far so God gave me boldness to try to get as close as I could! I went right to the building we needed and dropped my guests there! Perfectly! I went back to park. That did not happen on campus; due to the rain everyone had driven over! I drove around almost every parking garage. They were packed.
I prayed and decided to go back and take the hotel shuttle and enjoyed a little walk in sprinkles and splashes! It was beautiful for this woman who grew up in the Pacific North West and now lived in sunny California!  I loved it! I was walking on water!
Then it got stressful again as the injured friend needed rest to reduce pain. The rain came down in sheets I referred to as ‘horses and cows’ in comparison to ‘cats and dogs’! While talking about the need for a mini shuttle to get to the hotel shuttle so we could get her back to rest I stood in the drenching rain a few minutes seeing it get even more flooded in the streets; I just

wanted to see my son and visit but he was giving our other guest a tour while I stayed to eat lunch with this friend. I was stressing again, but then I remembered God was with us and yelled out with my hand up…”Peace be still!”
The rain was slower, the ground water receded and the driver came to dry off the cart!
I was walking with Jesus! We made do with what we had and trusted God to get us where we needed to go, got special preferences due to her injury and we had a good amount of time to visit even. I able to have a good visit with my son over his afternoon meal and see him in a play that was amazing!
When we drove home, it took a really long time again but it was great! We fellow-shipped in the Lord for part of our time and just plane enjoyed the ride the best we could in others but it was calm. Sunny weather!
 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Then those who were in the boat [f]came and worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” Matthew 14: 22-33
It is funny but in the midst of the storm we may stress, when we see things not as calm as we think they should be, we panic, just as Peter. Then we see His extended hand and we grab it! Then there is peace; amazing unbelievable amounts of peace!
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for being there with us in the storm, and in the unusual circumstances. Thank you that you are able to help us do more than we could imagine when we just trust you to take the control, and walk with You over it all! In Jesus name, amen.
Suggested reading: Matthew 14:1-36, Matthew 16:1-27, and Psalm 18:1-50