What are you
doing? In His Word-2-12-18
We pray for
things to happen and when they do are we satisfied? Or are we confused? Or are
we like Israel and not happy with what He has one for us?
The children of Israel cried out to God the Father for decades to get them back to their home lands and set them free. Thye did not realize what they would have to do to get that freedom once God granted it!
They did not realize the would be on the run
to get to a safe place; that they would have to walk through the water on dry
land, nor that they would have to gather together and really worship the Lord
their God.
Seriously, think
for a moment about the way they probably dreamed of their salvation from
slavery; yet when it came it was not quite the way they thought it would

There are some,
who would think God forsook them when they did not get an instant healing, but
our God does not play the games we humans do, He does what He says He will.
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be
removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes
that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray,
believe that you receive them,
and you will have them. Mark 11:23-24
The thing with us
people we do not always see things in the Spiritual side, we generally see
things fleshly because we live I a world that is physical. I don’t mean fleshly
in that we are thinking impure thoughts but as people we are physical and we
think horizontally. God is Spirit and we worship in spirit and truth, but we as
humans do not always get that.
How can we? We
are flesh and blood humans and until the Holy Spirit reveals to us the
spiritual applications of our days, our studies, our lives; we cannot know the
things of God clearly.
These things we
also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy[a] Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual
things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of
God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges
all things, yet he himself is rightly
judged by no one. 1 Corinthians 2:13-15
Back to the first
thought, what is it that you prayed for that God did not answer the way you
thought He should? Were you overwhelmed with something being smaller than you
thought then over whelmed even more when God made it huge? I think this is sort
of like the day that Moses brought the wandering Israel some water from a rock.
He was ready to speak to the rock for water as God had had him do before but
the he got overwhelmed with the people pushing, the emotional human, Moses to
hit the rock and then God let it pour out fast!
There are times
when we need to follow the plan and stick to our words that we said; we would
do what God said to do.
When Israel left
captivity they claimed they would worship Him only, but they built themselves
an image to worship.
When we pray for
something, in our minds eye we have an idea of what we want God to do, but His
way is bigger and better than our way. We cannot always handle it when God
gives us exactly what we prayed and takes control of our destiny!
The good news is
that we do not have to ‘handle it’ we just need to walk in it!
Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had
peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort
of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied. Acts 9:31
When we walk in
His guidance, peace, hope, trusting Him to do what He said then when it comes
to pass we need to accept that it is what it is! Walk in it!
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Sometimes we do not see the whole picture or how big it really is. |
Just do it! Even
if it is bigger than you thought it would be!
‘Help me Lord to not be overwhelmed when what
I thought would be a small thing grew to bigger than I can handle. Help me to
know that You Lord are in it and You Lord will handle it for me.’ Is what we should do, we should pray and ask
God to help us accept the bigger things He has planned for us. Help us to make
it to the end of the road and rejoice knowing that He has gotten us there. Help us to walk into the Promised Land
knowing that You are going with us.
Israel was so
worried when they saw the giants of the land they had to wander for another 40
years in the dessert. Let’s not be like them! Let’s trust God with all of our
heart and not lean on our own understanding but allow Him to bring to pass what
we need to do. What He wants for us to do; just walk in His guidance,
direction, presence.
Even Peter blew
it, gave up trusting God for his safety for a few moments in time; he denied
being with Jesus as a follower, friend and student. He was so over whelmed when
he realized he had done just what Jesus said he would that day when he was so
prideful. It brought him to an all time low when he realized he had sold out
his friend.
Would you do
that? Would you cry out to God for protection and admit that you knew
Jesus? God showed us in that portion of
scripture that He knows our hearts and what choices we will make. He knows
where to lead us and what we can take on and handle with His help.
Let’s just walk
in the direction He points us and know that any rocks, sticks or snakes will be
removed from our path as we walk in His presence, direction and guidance. Walk
in the trust we have in our God to protect, provide and pull us through
anything, in Jesus name, amen.
Dear heavenly
Father, guide our steps, bring to pass all that you desire in our lives, and
help us to listen to Your voice and direction and just walk in it; in Jesus
name, amen.
readings; Exodus 8:1- Acts 9:1-43, Proverbs 3:5-8, and James 1:1-27