For many
generations the Israelite people wanted a Messiah to come and save them. They flittered back and forth between doing the will of God and doing what they
thought was right in their own eyes; they tried to figure things out on their own
a few too many times because they just could not follow God’s rules alone.
They would
cry out to God then turn around and get impatient constantly in the Old Testament
it seems. Then just when they started to get things right they cried out to God
again for the Messiah to come quickly! Some of them probably gave up deciding
He would never get there.
But when the
right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God
sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could
adopt us as his very own children.
But God had a plan, and He
knew when it should happen and that it would indeed happen. The Messiah, Jesus
the Christ was born!
Just at the perfect time in
the world! Our counting of days is in the same time period of Christ’s birth,
AD BC are strangely in the same time period that Christ was born, some may
think it a coincidence, I do not I now my God is a timely God!
We pray for things to
happen, then as time goes by and things do not happen when we wish they would
we loose hope, give up our trust that it will happen and decide for ourselves
that God said no. But what if He said yes? What if we give up too soon?
If Jesus was born at any
other time in earth’s history then things would not be the way they were. Mary
had to be His mother for God’s purpose to be fulfilled at just the perfect time
in History.
Each year the timing of
setting up our decorations is a little different, and at times I get frustrated
because I want things to happen in my time period. After the fact I look back
to say to myself ‘its okay Teresa, it was in the perfect timing”.
God is awesome and He knows
that I have given Him the controls of how my life goes, each day when I pray
and give up the keys to Him to drive I give up my will to do my own thing and
give Him the will to do His thing in my life. Of course I love this when things
work out perfectly in His timing!
I know a lot of people
complain about the time of year people celebrate Christmas, and some people get
huffy about a date, but God encourages us to celebrate Jesus in His Lord. But He
is the one who planned out when He would be born to us and He has provided a
day for us to remmember Jesus’s birth in the perfect time.
Many people have set out to write accounts
about the events that have been fulfilled among us. hey
used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully
investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an
accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain
of the truth of everything you were taught. Luke 1 1-4
Personally I think anytime
we have a chance to share Jesus is a reason to celebrate and at this time of
year, no matter how long they choose to advertise gifts or not, this time of
year is a great time to remember Jesus’ birth and to have an open door to tell
people about Him!
It is about time we start
sharing Jesus with your neighbors and the people on the street! If you are
normally afraid of offending people this time of year we can speak the truth so
much easier when they are thinking about giving and receiving love and joy!
So stop wasting time
complaining that Christmas is materialized and all about gift giving and making
money and start celebrating the fact that Jesus is the greatest gift! Start
sharing His love today, instead of allowing the cares of this world to bring
you down!
What do we know but that
the precise time we share the Word of truth with someone this season that the
timing will be perfect!
Perhaps He has called you
today to your own “Such a time as this” situation found in Esther?
Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t
think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all
other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a
time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other
place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made
queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-15
How will you know what to
say unless you study to show yourselves approved…
Study the Word so you know
what to say when you open your mouth to speak. Things will work out and you
will be full of the Spirit and speak the truth in love and you will be amazed
that God has used you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
remind us of Your story, bless us with a reminder that You came to save us and
we are to share that story with those around us that they may be saved as well,
in Jesus name, amen.
Read some more: Luke
1:1-80, Luke 2: 1-52 and Luke 3:1-38.