Did you even hear that? In
the Word 3-28-16
Sometimes we go to church we
do the ‘church things’; and then we come home and go off to the world for the
week. We should be paying attention in church; we think we heard the message as
it was presented, but what was it? What did it mean to me?
Do we even listen to the Word spoken to our hearts or
do we just get caught up in the moment of worship but do not dwell there?

4 These proverbs will give insight to the simple, knowledge and discernment to the young.5 Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser.
Proverbs 1:2-5
We are given the Word of God
from a Shepherd’s mouth and from His heart to ours but sometimes we do not
receive the word we are given. We put up our shield of faith as a blocking
thing instead of a protecting instrument. Faith comes by hearing…
But not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the prophet
said, “Lord, who has
believed our message?” 17 So, faith comes
from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. 18 But I ask, have the people of Israel actually
heard the message? Yes, they have: “The message has gone throughout the earth, and the words to
all the world.” Romans 10 16-18

Our job is to use that Holy
Spirit we have been given at salvation to understand what it is that God has
given to each of us individually speaking from our hearts to His and back. When
we worship, we celebrate His goodness; when we hear the Word we need to glean
from it. What does it mean to glean His word? To obtain it, draw from it, piece
by piece, word by word, line by line gather it up and keep it. We ask ourselves
each time we hear the word, what am I going to learn from this? We ask the
Lord; “What can I do with this you have allowed me to glean?”
In the Bible story of the
young widow woman, Ruth, you can find out how she gleaned behind with the other
workers and grabbed what was left behind. She did this to feed her mother in
law Naomi. In doing so she had substance for a meal and inadvertently met her
future husband.
When God gives us food, via
the Word of God our Bible, or church services and study groups, we need to pick
up everything and be nourished by it.
We need to be sure we have
listening ears to get even the leftovers!
Ruth had to pay attention to
where grain was dropped, or left behind in order to get them; we need to pay
attention to the Word spoken and be sure we get every morsel.
So here is my challenge for
you this week; after you read the suggested verses go a through it again and
see what you left behind and glean from it!
Dear Heavenly Father, Help
us to get it all! Give us understanding
and clarity to glean from Your Word the message meant for us to hear each day.
Then help us to share the nourishment with our loved ones and those around us
that they may benefit from the gleaning as well! In Jesus name; amen