Today as we read our
Bibles lets look for something in the Word of God to respond to.
Moses responded by
allowing God to guide he and his brother in bringing about change in two
nations. More eventually, but their main part was to bring about a response
from the people of Israel ,
and Pharaoh. Of course, then God used Joshua son of Nun to lead the children of
to move the people of the earth to submission. He responded to God’s calling
Him to lead.
Throughout the Old Testament
we could list for at least an hour all the people who responded to His Words to
them. One prophet who did so brought oil to empty pots that sustained a family,
another stopped the rain and even time has been stopped by people who responded
to the call God placed on them to step out and make a change.

When we make the
physical choice to get up and pray, our spiritual day will go better. The guy
may still cut us off, or the clerk may short change us but our choice of how to
deal with it will be better.
Think for a moment
how you responded to what your pastor spoke about this week. Do you even
remember? This week my pastor spoke
about saying “Yes” to God. He brought out how Mary said yes, “let it be how you
have said”; when the angel told her she would have a baby. She was not wed yet,
was about to turn her world upside-down and yet she responded with a resounding
And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you;
therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now
indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and
this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with
God nothing will be impossible.” Then
Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to
your word.” And the angel departed from her. Luke 1:35-39
I am
reminded of Rebecca saying “yes” to her family to follow the servant and change
her life forever as well as become the parent of Israel ! Little did she know that
the simple response would change things as they were?
And he
said to them, “Do not hinder me, since the Lord has
prospered my way; send me away so that I may go to my master.” So they
said, “We will call the young woman and ask her personally.” Then
they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said,
“I will go.” Genesis 24:56-58
Peter, James and John
all responded to Jesus’ giving of His life and the rest of the disciples
followed suit. So many people’s lives changed along with Saul who became Paul
because he responded to Jesus’ stopping him on the road to Damascus the way He did. What if Saul had not
responded to go to Damascus
when he did?
What have you responded
to lately? What did you read in your Bible this morning that called out to you
to give a response?
What about in life in
general? Is God putting you in a spot that calls for a response from you? Are
you contemplating a move in your place of employment, a new home, a new child?
Or maybe it’s more of a response to pray for someone or something to come
When wondering if you
should respond to the Word you should ask yourself these things;
1- What is the Lord trying to tell you?
2- When do you need to respond?
3- How do you respond?

While driving down the
freeway this week I was behind what was almost a wreck. A truck came swerving
across two lanes of traffic, nearly smashing into the SUV in front of me. It
happened so fast that I gently braked and watched as the SUV swerved and from
behind it flew a big black garbage bag that had come off the pickup truck that
was swerving in the first place. My response was to check my rear view mirror
and avoid the car, bag and Fed Ex delivery van behind me. Quick response time
kept us from running over the bag, and my car and its passengers were safe.
There are times when
we have to make a split second decision to go and visit someone before they are
gone, and there are times when we can prepare for the visit so we can provide
more for the person. Timing is always important when we respond to the Word of
If Moses had waited a
few years his mother may have been dead, his brother may have been in jail.
Joshua grew along side Moses and responded to His lead to eventually become the
new leader.
When Jesus said
“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” and when he called to Peter to
walk on water, they responded immediately and were blessed spiritually as they
followed His direction.
How will you respond
to the Word of God today? Will you be a life changer? He changed lives so that
you would be there to read the Word of God in your own language today. When you
think about it you may get choked up a bit at how many things went ‘just so’
that you might even know Jesus!
We need to stop
worrying about what if it goes wrong, and start stepping out and being obedient
to His Word today.
Dear Heavenly Father
help us to do what you have called us to do today; let us respond with a “yes
Lord, I will go”. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Suggested reading:
Luke 1:1-80, John 1:1-50, Mathew 4:1-25.