Thinking ... in His Word

Thinking In His Word- 7-22-13

As our days get busy with activity we can easily forget that the Word of God has been given to us for a purpose. It is not just to read through in 90 days as I am enjoying the challenges ups and downs. Nor is it to carry around and use as a physical shield against people who would talk to us; it really works to keep people at bay if you are 'reading the Bible' someplace.
No, it is much more than that it is given to us that we may study to show ourselves approved.
Approved by whom? By God.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed y the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

We are to study the Word of God so that when we go through each day we will be not only knowledgeable in His words but that we will be able to exude scriptural behavior in everything we do. We are to be thinking the Word of God when trouble comes at us; in this we will find hope, peace and joy to continue in dire circumstances.
He is our peace who has broken down every wall! When God is for us nothing can stand against us! No thing can stand against us; not even our own doubts or feelings of failure.

Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit to the ruin of the hearers. Be diligent to present yourself approve to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:14-16

When we take the time to study the word we still need to couple it in prayer, this is the best way to absorb it. If all I did was sit down and read the Word each day I would gain a ton of information, but I may not know how to use it to the best ability that God has planned for me to use it.
Its not just a book to sit on the shelf and take off for a 'good read', although it is fun to do this challenge I think I will enjoy my daily digs just as well, or maybe more because in my challenge to zoom through the Word I am finding that I want to stop off in certain 'towns' of the scripture and visit its characters a bit more.
I have to move on though, just because I am on a schedule, but I am taking note so that I will go back and revisit my 'friends' in the Word.
Who would have thought that daily reads at rapid speed would replenish the joy of reading His Words in me? I read it all the time; I will be honest it gets boring some days, but with a challenge before me God has brought out a hunger and thirst for the people in the pages again!
I want to be as elastic as David, who fights for God's people and wants so to walk in His purpose though he makes a few mistakes that we would consider horrible God is still there walking with Him.
When we make mistakes we can remember David messed up big time and yet God loves him as a man after His own heart!
I'd like to be like Esther and be able to walk into the presence of of the King, no matter if I may be killed; to save the life of my people. What an amazing woman, strong and pure of heart no doubt to give of herself in such a way.

There are so many people in the Word we could try to be like but most of all we are told to be like Christ. To put on the mind of Christ we must study the Word of God.
This means find out the context of the scripture you read in a devotional, find out where it came from, who spoke it, or wrote it and why where they so into this topic or that one. These are the things we do when we get hungry for the Word, and from them we will grow strong and gain more scope for the vision of God in our lives. We will truly know our purpose, not just a pipe dream as they say but the true purpose of God for each of us. But it does not come easily, it takes our time. It takes our focus, setting aside the things that surround us. Putting aside the things that bind us or bring us down.

Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored through out the world.” Psalm 46:10
There is so much to be encouraged about when you dig in His Word.
There is also a lot of instruction in how to live a righteous life. Its fairly easy if we do as the Lord says and obey the Father.

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Psalm 37:2

Whatever you do to day, this summer, this year; do it with your mind on Him.

I have hidden your word I my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Dear heavenly Father, help us to hide your word in our hearts today that we will walk in your presence and do as you say.

Suggested reading: Psalm 37 1-40, 2 Timothy 2:1-26 ,Romans 12:1-22,Romans 9:1-30