Week 1 52 weeks in His Word- for kids!

 Taken from 52 Weeks In His Word for kids. The following is an excerpt from a book I have in my files not yet professionally published but a work in progress. Sometimes God has to remind us that we too are a work in progress.  We began when He created the heavens and the earth!  Kids need to learn the Word of God too, so we need to teach them in ways that will draw them in.  This is an extra post I wanted to post to see what people think about it.  Feel free to leave a comment! Thanks! 

Week 1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light.” And God saw that the light was good.  Genesis 1:1-3


Think on it: When you read your Bible each day you will find that it will feel like you have turned on a light to the creation of the world. Sometimes you will find peace in the darkness at night after a bad dream just by reading these words and knowing that God created the light and we can turn on a light and see we are safe.


Prayer: Thank you God for creating the light so that I can be safe and know you are with me even in the dark scary night. Help me remember that You are with me and not be afraid of the dark or things I do not know about. In Jesus name, amen.


Activate: Using crayons and a piece of plain paper; color all the colors except black on the paper until you cover it. Then take the black crayon and cover all of the colors being sure to press hard so that you can cover the colors. Next take a stick or broken pencil and scrape off the black to reveal the colors in a circle like you had just created the earth. Draw stars around it and a moon. Make it as detailed as you want or just simple.  Think about how God created all things while you do this.

Bring out the light from the darkness!


Extra Fun Stuff: Each day this week draw a picture of what God created in the first six days and then on the last day take a break. Staple, or string tie, your pictures together like a book to remember everything that God did when he made the world.