Home School Planning? Is it a thing? Or do I wing?

Home--> School ...Planning? Is it a thing? Or do I wing?

When I first began home teaching my planner was precise! I had already created a year of lesson plans before I started out! I had the Kindergarten teacher skills already from teaching and assisting for many years prior to even becoming a parent. It was going to be so easy for me!

Sure… That was what I thought, but I learned that being the teacher and being a parent at the same time was a bit more time consuming than when I taught them in a classroom setting. I had to be sure my student was getting it and doing the work, that was not anything different, but I wanted my own child to really enjoy it. I had taught groups and knew some kids got it, they enjoyed the lesson and wanted more, other kids wanted to try something else. So I took my “Teacher Planner” and filled it with delight. As I grew through the years and a added a child or two to the family, I realized that one child is not going to learn the same way as the other.  I had one student that needed a list, one that needed a time schedule and one who loved to just wing it each day and see how far she could go in learning!

I learned to create my own designed lesson plan.
I would make a form with check mark box so they could check it off as they did it. 

Math, and English, and Science, History& Geography, and so on; the classes were listed down the side and a huge block of space so I could write in what we wanted to do, what we did not do, and what actually happened so that I could learn what to do next week.

I studied to remind myself what type of student I was dealing with while I filled out the form so I could set class up for each of my own kids to the best of their styles. Eventually it was fun!
One had to be in a room all by themselves. So for the main classes; Math and English, would be separate,  Science and History often overlapped in stories with the work books we had so I had them work on those at the same time so I could keep my brain in gear.

The most important thing to remember is to take each child separately, they all will be able to have some work on your own time and need help during certain subjects. Be sure you find out what class your ‘student’ needs the most help in. Then schedule your work hours around their needs as well. Get the most work at home done while they do their work in their own time. For youngers this can be coloring, or ‘free play’ recess times. Design your own day! 

The only rule for time is to get it all done before dinner!

Well, that and enjoy it!
Btw, if you need a great planner, look up HappyPlanner.com they have Mom planners, dad planners kid planners too!  They come in stores like JoAnn’s and Michael’s as well as Staples!

No, I do not get paid for telling you about these great finds! I just love my planner!