Occasionally I find a perfect it to post from my archives just when I needed it! Today is one of those days when I was under the weather as they say. I enjoyed this post and it encouraged me today I trust it will do the same for you! ~ Teresa M. Wilson
The following Daily is a re-posted "In His Word," from 10-3-11
The following is a re-posted
"In His Word," from 10-3-11
What Did You Expect?
What did you expect?
When you came to Jesus?
What did you expect?
Did you expect to be ‘Saved,’
--To be healed or cleansed?
Did you expect to be delivered?
And made whole again?
How did you find Him?
Did you look in a book?
Or was He under the table,
Under the bed? In the nook?
What did you ask for?
That’s what you received,
His love, His direction, His
No fees!
For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and
sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We give great
honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a
man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end,
for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. James 5:10-11
“A brother will betray his
brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel
against their parents and cause them to be killed. And all nations will hate
you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be
saved. When the son of man will return before you have reached all the towns of Israel …” Matthew
I was wondering today what we
expected when we came to the Lord.
I wondered because I was reading in Mathew about the
disciples and Jesus being in a boat and a big storm came up.
Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake
with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm stuck the lake with waves breaking
into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up
shouting, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!”
Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little
faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a
great calm.
The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked.
“Even the winds and waves obey him!” Matthew
They cried out to Jesus, who was
asleep, “Wake up and save us!”
And when He did they were amazed that he spoke to the wind
and waves.
I wondered—what did they expect him to do? Row them to
shore? Bail water out of the boat? Maybe they thought he would give them some
advice on how to swim?
Seriously, what did they expect?
Then I started thinking, what I expected
recently when I prayed for a need to be met and it was; I was so amazed that my
prayer was received!
Or when I asked God to heal my torn shoulder a few years
back, and He did?
Or when I prayed for my son to get a job, and he got one;
not where I would have chosen miles wise but he got one just the same.
When we take the time to pray we need to know what we are
wanting as an outcome. We need to know what God will do, and then trust that
that is what will happen.
Why? Because we prayed the prayer of faith!
How? By trusting Him we exhibit our faith in Him and He
sees that faith and knows that we will receive what He is doing in our lives
through this blessing of an answered prayer.
He tells us in Matthew 11 to
take His Yoke upon us. This means He will direct us where we should go, sure
there will be a burden but it will not be heavy because we trust Him to guide
us. You know when an ox or horse gets caught up in the yoke they can stumble
and we all know what they did to horses when they stumbled and fell. Thank God
when we stumble he gets us back up and reattaches us to the Yoke and allows us
to follow where He is directing us. It allows us to pull the equipment that is
too hard for us to put on our back alone. The Yoke adjusts the weight of our
burdens that they will be miraculously lightened. Then we can plow the soil of
our life and make it ready.
Jesus answers our needs, He supplies our wants, and gives
us the desires of our heart. Why are we so surprised when He answers in a
supernatural way? Who do we think He is?
For that matter, look again at Matthew 8, they didn’t
comment on the calmness that followed such a fierce storm, just that Jesus
spoke to it and it listened.
Do we do the same thing? Do we enjoy the calm after the
storm or are we so frantic wondering how He did it that we miss the peace that
When we take the Yoke we will accept Who He is. We will
know that what He says, what He does is of the Father and we will know to
follow whatever He tells us to do.
When the ground seems hard, or rocky, we can say to
ourselves “no worries”. We can know that the peace and promise of the soft land
will be there at the end; if just we endure the terrain.
Dear Heavenly Father, help us to endure to the end that we
will be saved in the storms. Help us to endure to the end of
the trials we must live through and to keep our sights on You and Your
direction in our lives. Help us to take Your Yoke upon us that the burden may
be lessened. In Jesus name, amen.
Suggested reading Matthew 10:
1-22, Matthew
11:1-30, Mark 13:1-37,
and Matthew
In His love,
Teresa M. Wilson
Copyright © 2011
by Teresa M. Wilson.
Then I started thinking, what I expected recently when I prayed for a need to be met and it was; I was so amazed that my prayer was received!
by Teresa M. Wilson.