What are you doing? In His
Are you a doer of the Word?
Are you walking in faith? Are you humbly bowing before your God and listening
for His still small voice?
Nehemiah listened, and
realized a completed Jerusalem
wall was actually something he could achieve; with a little help! In Nehemiah
1-3 we can read about the event that got things moving. First he realized the
need, second he went to God, thirdly he
went to the king and fourth he went to the people and got them on task. The Israelites of Judah worked together in little teams as it were and build separate
sections of the wall. It took quite a while of course but they completed it. They
all worked together to achieve God’s plan to rebuild the wall. Why was it His
plan? Probably because the other nations saw them rebuilding and how they
worked together and realized their God was working with them.
When we as Christians work
together for good people sit up and take notice as well. It is kind of cool
that people know that with God all things are possible and no one I going to
stand against us, even if they try.
But without
faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe
that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
need to ask ourselves; “Am I diligently seeking God for what I should do each
diligently sought the proper channels to do the will of God in building the
repented before the Lord and not only for himself but for the entire nation of Judah , Israel . He helped them to realize
they needed to get rid of the sin in their lives and get back on track for God!
Listen and obey the Word of God, study to show yourself approved,
remember? This is not approved by the world, or its people, but by God and God
alone. So don’t study your Bible just to please the people who expect it from
you but study it to please God. Follow the reading plan He has put before you
for His purpose.
So get rid of
all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has
planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. But don’t just
listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling
yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t
obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. James 1:21-23
Build a wall of scripture; read the
Word, write it out or just sit there an think about what you read; but remind
yourself of the good God given Word that builds up your fortification. Be fortified
in your life, in your work life, in your home life in your social life; study
the Word. When Israel
rebuilt the wall they did it properly, they created mortar and brick and stuck
it together strongly, not with Elmer’s’ school glue. They took time to make it
strong, they took time to do it right. When we do our daily reads we need to
read to be strong. Read for edification. When we pray we need to pray strong,
ask God for strength, thank Him for guidance, hope, peace, healing and whatever
else we can think of. Ask Him to direct our paths so that we may continue to
have faith and trust Him to keep us strong in our resolve to follow His
virtues, His Word. We can’t do it alone, just as Nehemiah could not rebuild the
whole wall by himself alone; He needed to have team work. Read it for yourself
this week.
So ask
What does God want from me?
Where does God want me to go?
How can He help me achieve this plan?
Give me understanding
and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with
all my heart. Psalm 119:34
Talk to God about it; He will answer you
if you seek Him with all your heart.
Then go out there and do it! Get the
thing done. It may seem futile at first but like Nehemiah, if you begin the
project the people you need to get it done will come along side and help.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
don’t try to figure things in your own knowledge but trust Him to direct you to
the wisdom of His purpose in your life. The world we live in is crazy
distracting, but we can take the time to focus on God and His Word and in that
time we can find peace, hope and guidance for each day. Then we can go out and
be ‘doers of the Word’.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your
Word that you have given us to learn from and to glean from and to go out do life
from the guidance you give us there. Help us to walk in Your Word each day and
to walk in Your promises and guidance as you direct us to go; in Jesus name,
Suggested reading Nehemiah 1:1-11,
Nehemiah 2:1-20, Nehemiah 3:1-32, James 1:1-27 and Hebrew 11:1-40.