Delighting- In His Word 2-27-17

Delighting – In His Word 2-27-17

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 36:4

Some days the Word of God is like a blueberry scone that melts in your mouth like a shortbread cookie. It really reaches the purpose you had in opening it up, satisfies your hunger but not just in nutritional value but it delights your soul! Even if I want to read through the words in a hurry I often find myself lagging behind on one scripture or thinking about its place and time and the meaning behind the words the scribe chose to write. Then of course I always come back to what does God want me to read today?

Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

His Word is full of commands, they tell us what to do and what not to do to make our lives good in His sight. Though I love the rules I also love the ruler and delight in thinking on His goodness and how much He has done for me.

 How I delight in your commands! How I love them! Psalm 119:47

Today it would have been easy to grumble or complain as responsibilities took over my fun time with a good friend. I wanted to visit with her and enjoy her company; thank God I can always find a spot and time in the day to visit Him and enjoy His presence.
So as I wait for my daughter to complete her jury duty I sit here in a quaint if not eclectic little café in Martinez California sipping a latte and eating a delicious melt in the mouth scone.  If I came here thinking I would have a hard time finding something to write about this morning, it was all washed away as I looked at the surroundings. "Barrelista" is full of kind Baristas and customers. 

Just as I was thinking on the Word and how I needed to find a spot to delight in its goodness I came inside this little place and ordered. I found the décor strangely inviting with its odd shaped tables and chairs, and after trying out one spot I settled at a wooden table with a bench just the right size for typing. I can see myself sitting here and writing for hours if need be.
I had a choice to make before walking here from the courthouse buildings, I cold have chosen a name brand popular choice location but instead I chose to take the path unknown.
I can think of so many people in the Word who chose to take the path laid out before them as apposed to doing a Jonah and ending up in a whale. I could have ended up there at the name brand place but I felt drawn to this one; even though I had not been here before.
My favorite scripture, you many have figured out, is Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Found in Proverbs 3:5-7. 

When I started walking I was a bit nervous as I was walking down streets I had not walked down; even if it’s a small city any area near the Court buildings is usually found to be sketchy at best. Which really makes no sense if you think about it, the courts of a city have highly paid workers and they should be able to get coffee or lunch at a nice place. I wonder as I sit here in the room listening to a few bits of conversation if they too take delight in the goodness of the Lord Or if they know He is real? There are so many people Lord, how do we reach them all? Then I noticed there was a small group Bible study going on at one of the tables. I tried to here what they were studying but it was too busy.  
If I tried to understand all the people around me and figure out their needs I would be lost. But thank God that He has enough mercy for all of us and He knows their needs. Though I may fail to reach them, someone else may know just how to get to their heart needs. In the mean time I can pray.

Surround me with your tender mercies so that I may live, for your instructions are my delight. Psalm 119:77

I love that my God has truly surrounded me today, with His goodness of course, but with a variety of people from lawyers to moms meeting for a quick visit and even a few families sitting around coffee tables enjoying one another.
Sometimes when the days plans are changed we can get all bent out of shape, we can decide to be spoiled brats and sit and be bored while we wait for God to change things back to the good. Sort of like the storm Paul had to live through and become shipwrecked on an island; he and the crew had to suffer the storm and live. He still had to complete the purpose of that voyage and go before the leaders because He had the Word to give them. No it was not in KJV or even in a book yet but it was in His heart. God brought to Him what to say and what to do. Whether it is to find a nice place to wait, or write or if it’s to share the Gospel with someone He will direct us where to go when we put our trust in Him to make it so. (You can read this story this week in 2 Corinthians 11)

Even if it is as simple as finding a place to sit while you wait; people, places and things are all relative to the needs God wants to fulfill in our lives.  He has a way of making something good from boring or shipwrecked situations. What do you do when things go different than you planned? Do you sulk or do you delight yourself in His Word?
I choose to delight myself in the Word and thank my God that my Bible app can follow me wherever I go.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for helping us to focus on the tasks at hand while we seek you and study Your Word today, guide our steps to the right places to study and position us to shine for Your glory, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Read some more; 2 Corinthians 11:1-33, 2 Timothy 2:1-26 , Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 and Psalm 119:1-176