Renovate your
life in His Word! 8-22-16
There are so
many shows out right now about renovating your home, or renovating someone else’s
home that I was encouraged to think about our lives and how God renovates them
when we give over and accept that He wants to.
I guess as
with any home we can get complacent and set in our ways. A home is built strong
but as things happen through the years whether by weather or mistreatment there
are often holes in walls or doors from doorknobs to furniture moving. It is up
to us to make sure that we get the right treatments for each item in need of
repair or the whole place falls down around us.

Through out
the book of Exodus from chapter 25 to 39 there are descriptions of the breastplate
created for the priests garments; in Ephesians 6 we read of one created for
protection. A spiritual breastplate with the workmanship of the Holy Spirit
specifically to protect us from the attacks from the enemy!
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with
truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, Ephesians 6:14
The breastplate is given to keep our heart safe and righteous
before God.
Our God gives
us what we need to stay in touch with Him and away from the things we do not
need in our lives and yet we often do not realize that He has provided comfort
and peace, life worth living and hope for tomorrow all in His Word!
Why do we not
see the good things He has put in our Bibles to nourish us each day? Because we
don’t take the time and make the time to settle in and really read and apply
what He has given us. Ask yourself right now; ‘how many minutes do I read daily’?
Then think of
your other favorite pass time, gaming, working out at the gym, watching movies
or playing a sport or even crafting can get more of our time that simply
spending time in the Word and prayer.
Once we spend
more time in the Word and prayer we will find that things don’t ‘get to us’ as
easily as they had been; a flat tire will be just another bump in the road. A
burnt meal will be a reason to create some new dish for supper. A bad hair day
will be a reason to create a new look! God is awesome and He will provide what
we need but we need to give up a little of our selfish desires in order to see
what His desire is for us.
who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He
not with Him also freely give us all things?
God gave up
way more of Himself than we can ever give up for Him, and yet if we give our
time to Him we will find everything else we have more enjoyable, more fulfilling,
and more complete.
I challenge
you to read more of your Bible this week than you have last week. If it helps
take a note book out ( they are really cheap this time of the year) and write
out the scriptures that stand out to you and then write yourself a note of why.
If you cannot write use a voice activated program and speak text yourself of
the goodness you found in the Word today.
It is back to
school time for us, the kids renovate their wardrobes get new hair cuts and
shoes and are geared up for learning new things; lets gear up and study to show
ourselves approved by God today!
to write notes to self in ( or other device to write on or in)
Pen or
Spot to
read and contemplate on what God is telling you today in His Word, our Bible.
Gather your ‘school
supplies’ and ‘paint’ and renovate your Spiritual life today!
Dear Heavenly
Father, thank you for your provisions and protection in our lives, thank you
for showing us new things in Your Word each morning and strengthening and
preparing us for each day. Help us to make time for you this morning and every
morning as we walk in Your Word, in Jesus name, amen.
reading ; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28, Ephesians 6:1-24, Exodus 39:1-43, and Romans