Living by Rote in His Word
Are you living by rote each
day; walking through the day doing what needs to be done without much thought
of what it is the Lord has given you this day to accomplish?
Are you taking on tasks
without thinking of if it is His will at all for you to do them?
Do you put aside the desires
of your heart to complete mindless tasks that are someone else’s job?
Let’s look in the Word today
and see what it says about our lives and how we are to live them according to
His plans and His will.
and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your
children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 12:28
is the will of God that we do the right thing, but not just what we deem as
right but what God says is right. Sometimes that is not what we think is the
right thing to do. When we turn a blind eye to a brother or sister who are
doing the wrong thing because we think we are ‘not getting involved’ or ‘causing
trouble’ we are not doing what God would want us to do. When we are in doubt we
need to go to God and ask Him what to do. He will give us the wisdom to follow
and the truth to speak in love.
Word is full of directions for each day, not like a fortune cookie or a horoscope
but with truth and encouragement.
today while I was reading in one subject I came across another one that was the
exact answer to what I was praying about a short time before. It was not even
in my mind to look for the answer in the Word of God.
there it was in clear answer to my hearts cry!
answer to a problem I was dealing with was right there in the scripture showing
me that I was slacking in my part of this relationship. I think sometimes we
don’t like the will of God working in our lives because it means we have to be
held accountable to Him to achieve that which He has promised!
need to observe all the words and obey all the words that He commands, or tells
or shows us to do. How funny it is that we love it when we sing songs of
blessings to us, but when it comes to obedience we shy away. It may take a
tough love situation or it may mean we have to walk an extra mile to achieve
what He has shown you to do today. It may take you standing on a street corner
with a sign that says God loves you!
“I have failed in life but God still loves me”. Something that puts you out
there for all to see your heart is not easy but sometimes that is what God says
to do. For when we are weak in ourselves we can be stronger in Him.
Sing to Him a new
song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy. For the word of the Lord is right, And
all His work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Psalm 33:3-5
I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who are puffed up, but the power.
Corinthians 4:19
Paul talks here about
wanting to bring unity back to the brothers and sisters in the Lord. He knew
God’s will was to have peace with one another and that He was at work in his
own life and that of the brethren.
It is God’s will that we not
have strife with one another, but that we find a way to love one another.
Ephesians 5 is full of wisdom in the Word.
See then that
you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the
time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not
be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be
drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in
your heart to the Lord,0 giving thanks
always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to
one another in the fear of God. Ephesians 5:15-21
The Word gives us wisdom beyond
measure but we have to choose to follow it and apply it to our lives today. Walk
in the Word today and make it part of your daily desires, your daily plan, and
your focus to walk in His will today.
Dear Heavenly Father; thank
you for the instruction in Your Word, help us to apply it to our lives today,
write it on our hearts that we may not only know it but that we may also live
not just by rote but with purpose, in Your will in Jesus name, amen.
Suggested Reading : Ephesians 5:1-33, 1 Corinthians
4:1-21, Psalm 22:1-31, and Psalm 33:1-21