Mistaken in His Word ~

Mistaken in the Word  7-21-14
Somehow I worded a verse too simplistic and wrote the wrong address to my Memory Verse list at VBS this year.

As the Scriptures say,No one is righteous—   not even one.
 Let’s face it, we all make mistakes but sometimes they really get to you.
Why is it important to know the Word of God? So that when we make mistakes we can search and study to show ourselves approved! We can learn the truth and be set free from our mistakes.
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

It’s okay to be wrong, but sometimes we have a hard time realizing that we need to correct ourselves. I mean, it’s one thing to find out that we did something the wrong way, but to totally put out a scripture memory verse that was incorrect? Ouch! The Bible does say to confess your sins; mine being a sin of obedience to the Word. I did not study properly before writing the verse down I cut it from another avenue and added my own words describing it. The word’s I used were true, but they are not straight scripture. So the question comes to me, is it okay to paraphrase the Word of God?

Yes it is!

I will fetch my knowledge from afar;
I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
 For truly my words are not false;
One who is perfect in knowledge is with you.
Behold, God is mighty, but despises no one;
He is mighty in strength of understanding.
Job 36:4

Jesus paraphrased a lot, as did many of the writers in the Word of God, my mistake was putting it into a list of memory verses without checking my sources first.
I wrote from my heart at one time what the verse meant, then wrote that out as a scripture because I found it listed similar to one in my files. How embarrassing! I am continually teaching about learning and knowing the Word of God and yet, God felt the need to show me how little I really know about the Word by allowing me to make this mistake.

What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin;  as it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE;  THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD;…Romans3:10
It happened to me, maybe it won’t happen to you but what if it did? Would you be able to own up to it?  

I know I am not perfect but I will definitely be putting a lot more attention to detail in the future!
At least the meaning is not something that is not truth, I spoke the truth, it just was in correct to call it a Bible Verse. “Are you going to Hell?” one kid asked me in gest. No, God knows I spoke the truth and am going to correct it in the future.
This is a good lesson to learn, not only did I mistakenly make the mistaken verse look like it was a real memory verse but I did not  check it before I delivered it to see that I had it right.
The rest of them are correct.
I believe I was even told that it was wrong by one friend of mine who was helping out before and we passed over that one.
We really need to check the words when we read them and see if they are true, we always need to keep on top of what we hear in the movies and read in books to see if it is really from the Bible. It is really easy to misrepresent a verse and make people believe the wrong thing.

Dear Lord, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for helping us to find our errors and correct them without hesitation. Help us to know your Word, in Jesus name, amen.

Suggested Reading: Mathew 28:1-20 , Romans 1-31, Ephesians 6:1-24