in Obedience to the Call;
you consider yourself being obedient to God today?
I have a friend who is
obedient to God's call on her life to the point of selling what she
had, moving away from all she knew to start a mission field in a land
she knew very little about other than the fact that God called her to
go there.
Some of us think we are doing what God called us to do when we get our bodies out of bed, fuss with our hair and go to church on Sunday, but maybe there is more? Definitely there is more! God has called us to seek and to save the lost! That includes but does not mean we are to get the information for salvation and keep it to ourselves; no hiding things under a bushel, no putting it in the closet, preach the gospel!
Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house,
because he also is a son of Abraham; for
the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:9-11
the good news of Jesus Christ; even to the ends of the earth.
pastor said recently that some are called to go, and some are called
to send those who go, and I would add to that some are called to pray
for those who send and those who go to get their communications
together and meet the needs.
you feel you are called to go; get ready to move mountains, and to
be pushed out of your comfort zone so that you become strong enough
to fight in the spirit. Build up your prayer warrior back up because
going out against the world's false gods and the enemies of our God
is not for the weak in knowledge and wisdom of God and His Word.
I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid,
not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you
go.”Joshua 1:9
of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you heard
before the word of the truth the Gospel which as come to you as it
has also in the world and is bringing forth fruit...” Colossians
into the Word daily but not just for yourselves, the Word is not just
for us to horde and savor as good nourishment for our own bodies and
souls, not we re to bring it out as fruit. We are to multiply to
those around and about us the Good News that Christ died for our
sins, that He has called us to come to repentance.
when I read the letters from Paul or Peter, and even when I read of
the messages brought out via the many prophets like Elisha, and Jehu
who walked in obedience to the will of God I feel as if I have
received a big F grade in expanding the Family of God. I wish that I
could write words as deeply moving and inspiring as these great
writers of the Word that many would read them and be either inspired
to know God or to know and follow after His purpose for their lives.
my humble humanness I do not see a possibility of reaching the world
on foot as another dear friend has done; she has traveled to far away
lands and preached to King and countrymen whom most of us would never
get to see but God opened the doors for her to do so. She has been
able to do this in her life time because she was obedient to follow
the prompting of the Lord Himself. She found the Lord around 40 years
of age and has not yet stopped some near 40 years going! She puts me
to shame, though she does not try to; but God has shown me what He
desires to use me for and I must focus on that then walk in that
will show you what He desires of you too, He has shown the old man,
why not us?
have talked a lot about trusting the Lord and knowing that He would
make our path straight, but do we walk on that straight path or do we
take side stops to things we would rather do?
am not saying God does not want us to take a vacation but sometimes
we need to ask ourselves what the purpose God can have in that
vacation. How can we meet the needs of the people who are lost and
dying while on our vacation from our daily lives?
this leads me back to the first question; do you consider yourselves
obedient to God today?
check it out.
God told you to sell what you had and give it to the poor would you
be like the rich man and have great sorrow?
young man said to Him,”All these things I have kept from my youth.
What do I still lack?”
said to him, “If you want to be perfect go, sell what you have and
give it to the pour and you will have treasure in heaven, come follow
Me.” But when the young man heard that saying, he went away
sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Matthew
you asked your self what your greatest treasure was what would it be?

your heart is in praying for the lost; pray without ceasing because
the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.
your heart is in going out and serving at a shelter; walk in this
calling for God will bless you in it.
your heart is in raising up men and women and equipping the saints to
be able to fulfill the mission to share the Gospel; study to show
yourself approves (2 Timothy 3:16)
you do not already know your purpose pray this week and ask God to
show you; if you already know then walk in it.
you do not know how to do what He has given you to do; study the
Word, attend studies on the area He has given you to work and then;
run with it!
you are not able because of financial, physical or emotional reasons
to satisfy the burden on your heart then send someone else by praying
for God to provide another runner.
the old days, the Bible days, they would send runners with news,
requests or other important information; sometimes they would run all
day just to deliver an urgent note. If one became faint or lame they
would send another on with the the information sort of like the Pony
Express without the horse. Today one runner may have the message,
but he may have to pass that on to the one who can and will go.It
all comes down to asking God what to do; seeking God for how to do
it; finding what God has purposed you particularly to do in it.
just walk in obedience to your calling.
heavenly Father, open our ears to hear and eyes to see what Your
Spirit is telling us to do. Help us to listen and do, not be afraid
but to walk in obedience to the call you have put on our lives today.
In Jesus name, amen.
reading: 2 Timothy 1:1- 18, 2 Timothy 2: 1-26, 2 Timothy 3:1-16, 2
Timothy 4:1-22.