Introduction to the Study Guide
Hinds' Feet on High Places is an allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to grow closer to Him. An intimate relationship with God requires that we seek Him daily and focus our lives around His direction and will. Hannah Hurnard wrote in her preface, “The High Places and the hinds' feet do not refer to heavenly places after death, but are meant to be the glorious experience of God's children here and now−if they will follow the path he chooses for them.”
We will journey with Much-Afraid to the most amazing places as she struggles each day to walk with the Chief Shepherd of our hearts. This study guide will help you understand Much-Afraid’s journey, but it’s not just academic. The questions and activities are designed to help you on your own path toward the High Places.
Read each chapter in Hinds' Feet on High Places and then do the exercises in the study guide. To get the most from your study, put some thought into each question and try to apply it to your own life.
This guide can be used by individuals or in a study group. Some activities ask you to share your insights with others. If you are doing the study alone, you will benefit most by finding another person with whom you can discuss what you have learned.
The voice of my beloved!
Behold, he cometh,
Leaping upon the mountains,
Skipping upon the hills.
Song of Solomon 2:8
Preface to the Allegory
I often skip the preface of a book. It often gives too many clues to the story and I like to be surprised. However, I recommend reading this preface. It will help you to understand why Hannah Hurnard wrote her allegory. It will also provide a framework for understanding Much-Afraid’s story.
1. Look up the word allegory in a dictionary. Why do you think the author chose to use allegory to present her message?
2. Read Song of Solomon 2:8. What does this scripture mean to you?
3. What did it mean to Hannah Hurnard’s nurse?
4. Why did the author feel led to write this book?
5. Read Habakkuk 3:19 and Psalm 18:33. Compare and contrast these scriptures. You can use more than one version of the Bible to get a clearer understanding.
Chapter 1
Invitation to the High Places
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4 that we are to put on the new man and put off our old ways of thinking. That means we put off old fears and let Jesus take care of us. Much-Afraid has to learn that her old, fearful self has to be changed so that the Chief Shepherd can change her name.
1. Describe Much-Afraid’s personality.
2. On a separate paper, draw a picture or write a poem about what you imagine her to look like.
3. What was her biggest worry or hindrance?
4. Would you consider this a hindrance in your life? Why or why not?
5. What was the great offense that Much-Afraid committed against her family?
6. What did they want her to do that she was completely against doing?
7. Why do you think they wanted her to stay away from the Chief Shepherd?
8. When Much-Afraid asked the Chief Shepherd for help to get out of the Valley of Humiliation, what question did he ask her?
9. An acrostic poem uses the letters of a word as the first letter for each line of the poem. Write an acrostic poem using the word heart, sharing what the Chief Shepherd would see in your heart.
10. After meeting the Chief Shepherd, Much-Afraid was full of joy and excitement. Though she had been in his presence, she was still easily attacked by Craven Fear. Why did she so easily forget that the Chief Shepherd would come if she called?
11. Can you think of a time when you were so afraid to try something new that you almost didn’t do it? How did you overcome the fear and just do it?
12. What happened that caused Much-Afraid to be ashamed?
13. Much-Afraid is experiencing what we all go through when we first make Jesus the Lord of our lives. We hear about how Christ will change our old self into a new self but we wonder how we can be recreated. Read 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21 and explain how this scripture could help Much-Afraid.